Thursday, April 25, 2013

IPC Philippines: MGIS launches the D.E.A.R. Literacy Programme

By Cherry Moriones Doromal

 Welcome to the MGIS D.E.A.R. or "Drop Everything And Read" Zone

International School MGIS, Manila Philippines-- In its spirited effort to develop the children’s reading habit, MGIS launches the literacy programme D.E.A.R. or "Drop Everything And Read".

Being a recognized international school by the Department of Education (DEPED) offering International Primary Curriculum (IPC), International Baccalaureate (IB) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Cambridge, MGIS students naturally come from different cultural backgrounds as they come from the different parts of the world.

Unlike other local and international schools, over the years, MGIS  tend to catch the genuine international market , such as  ambassadors’ and consuls’ kids and foreign businessmen’s kids, who are, of course, transient. As the school curricula consider that the far-fetched advantage of skilled readers will be carried through higher education, college and throughout  the students’  lifetime wherever they go, MGIS unremittingly develops a strong literacy programme.

The advantages of  MGIS'  D.E.A.R. Reading Programme:

  1. Reading helps boost intelligences.  Studies show that those who read a lot have higher GPA’s, higher aptitude, and general knowledge than those who don’t.
     2.     Reading improves analytical thinking.  Practice forms a habit, and the habit of reading serves as the gymnastics of brainpowers. The famous American computer programmer Howard G. "Ward" Cunningham who developed the first wiki had studies proving that analytical thinking is advanced by reading, allowing the readers to spot patterns faster.
Roary the Tiger excitedly gives his MGIS Tiger siblings a D.E.A.R. button pin

    3.       Reading helps develop self discipline, concentration and attention skills.  In MGIS, the moment the students hear the “DEAR Buzzer”, they will stop from whatever they are doing and will literally “Drop Everything And Read”.  The MGIS DEAR reading programme  is an excellent way to attain that discipline.

   4.       Reading increases vocabulary, enhances memory and improves spelling.  According to experts and as observed by educators worldwide, reading is more dynamic and effective in helping the child increase his vocabulary than oral communication, conversation or direct teaching.  In fact, as we may have noticed, even professionals need to read constantly to enrich his vocabulary.

"In the midst of silence or at the crest of jubilee,there's a buzz of learning that innervates us to Drop Everything And Read"

5.       Reading develops writing and communication skills.  As an effect of #4 above, the more one reads, the better writer he becomes, because reading expands ones ideas. As a professional writer, I can attest on how reading becomes an energetic  tool to improve my creativity. Reading  exposes us to new ideas and helps us understand better the diversity of life while providing us with fresh  philosophies and more information which develop the creative side of the brain.

Krrrrriing!  Oh, that's the buzzer that takes everyone to the D.E.A.R. Zone... And our MGIS Tigers know exactly what to do upon hearing the D.E.A.R. buzzer... that is to " Drop Everything And Read." Bye for now. Enjoy reading.

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